
Widescope's CONTRACTS

Widescope 8(a) Multi-Award Contract (MAC)

  • Contract Summary

    Widescope has been awarded an 8(a) Government-Wide Multi-Award Contract (MAC) contract over a five-year period, valued in the amount of $100,000,000.00, to provide engineering, Cyber Security, network operations (NetOps), information technology (ITS), and other technical services in support of the enterprise networks, communication systems, sensors, applications and information systems which are currently operational, under development, and/or requiring upgrade.

    As a Prime contractor, Widescope has been selected  to support DoD Services and Agencies by supporting their continuing requirement for Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems engineering support related to the core competencies of technology and architecture development, network analysis, modeling, and simulation, network convergence, network timing, cyber security / network security, certification and governance, network, ITS and information system applications, network management and monitoring, network and computer operations, defense messaging and production and manufacturing processes.

  • Contract Type

    The contract type is an Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ)

  • Type of Orders (IDIQ)

    Task or delivery orders issued under this IDIQ contract shall be: Firm-fixed-priced orders, time and material orders, or labor hour orders.

  • Supported Activities

    The following activities will be supported:
    ·  Command and Control Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) modernization

    ·  High Performance Computing (HPC)

    ·  Data Center Consolidation (DCC)

    ·  Team Training Scenario

    ·  Undersea Enterprise Networks (UEN)

    ·  Network Enabled Operations (NEO)

    ·  Risk Management Framework (RMF)

    ·  Unmanned Vehicles

    ·  Cyber Security

    ·  Information Technology Services (ITS)

    ·  Supply Chain Risk Management

    ·  Enterprise Piers Connectivity Architecture (EPCA)

    ·  Submarine Fiber Optic Cable (SFOC)

    ·  Cable Route Engineering and Marine Route Surveys

    ·  Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED), Weapons Technical Intelligence (WTI)

    ·  Business Intelligence / Data Analytics (BI/DA)

    ·  Transformative Reductions in Operational Energy (TROPEC)

    ·  Port Improvement Via Exigent Repair

    ·  Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS)

    ·  Professional Services